So Future Flavours is back for another instalment and it’s the usual global traversing, it’s the usual highly eclectic talent and of course it’s the usual request that you send around the blog once you see it. Half way through the year and names that the blog highlighted are already starting to make an impact. I recently went to see Kwabs and his live set (cliché warning) it was electrifying total class. I learnt on the night he has been signed to Atlantic and as if that was not enough he is performing on the big stage at Lovebox. Not bad hey? We also have Lifelines whose latest video has just been taken on by Vevo, again a massive look go check his vid click LISTEN -well done Lifelines-Future Flavours supporting your 90’s RnB retro flex. Anyway let’s go in!

Rachel Marie-Bringing a climax-(not that type of climax by the way!)

Rachel Marie This young lady from America (Washington DC to be exact) is fresh like a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice (with the bits umhh) after a particularly heavy meal. She moves with ease between the genres of gospel, rnb, house and neo soul with her cool engaging laid back vocals. Early material seems to point to a gospel upbringing and the two tracks that I have seen from her (Spotlight and Believe) came in 2012. This year however Rachel has dropped something more urban and hip-hop fuelled- it’s a totally sublime bit of niceness that uses the instrumental of Climax from the brilliant Slum Village album Fantastic Vol 2 (2000) produced by the producers’ producer J Dilla and I have to say if only Rachel was around when he was alive to work with him. She drops a vocal niceness on the track and it just seems right, the uber cool swagger as she speaks of love that just warms you to the core is fantastic and with John Lass providing a gruff rap and the track just throws you right back to those 90’s feel good vibes.

So for Rachel it is still early days but she is definitely here for the long haul. A degree in Music Business means that Rachel is building the correct foundations add that to great song writing and that brilliant voice and she can defo reach a “High”



Adenike-The Voice


The one thing about these reality music shows is that while it’s a lot of hype and there is much to not always like about the whole spectacle it is a platform and you do witness some immense talents. Adenike who appeared on The Voice 2013 is just such a talent. She did the obligatory and blew away the judges with her stupendous vocal offerings and while she did not go further the consensus was overwhelming in stating she had a brilliant talent and Voice.

Like many who enter these shows she is certainly not new to this whole music thing having put the work in on her craft-this work has created a lady with a really soulful smooth vocal which is enriching. She has already garnered huge plaudits from big publications like the Mail on Sunday, the Daily Telegraph and of course yours Flavours Mag.

So with such great exposure it is not surprising that she is bringing out material to capitalise as much as possible on the exposure and to that effect she drops her new single I Stayed which gives people who were not aware of Adenike the chance to indulge on some chocolate smooth vocals-I feel a sugar rush coming on.

The single is a fresh feeling, beautiful cut which is a rousing, kind of anthemic, ballad of sorts with her brilliant piano accompaniment. The video is simple but effective and shows that Adenike is not just s a singer but also an instrumentalist as she tinkles those ivories. The single is out on June 10th but Adenike is definitely in the lab cooking up some further magic with efforts for her debut album a great look!



Adenike Sings


Beatrice Eli-Indeed she’s ready to Conquer

Beatrice-Eli Next up we head to the Nordic area of the world with the brilliant Beatrice Eli who brings atmospheric soul straight to your cortex and cerebellum. She’s got that understated edgy coolness that is enticing and with a support slot for the huge star Miguel under her belt she is obviously the real deal. Current material is her EP It’s Over which I can state from the get go sets your ears on fire like a pyromaniac with some white spirits, in a dry wooded area, after a year’s abstinence from his favourite blazing pastime. It’s a collection of four brilliant tracks that undoubtedly show that this lady is someone that is definitely on the path for success.

The first two tracks-the title track It’s Over is a  joyful sounding track and Conqueror steps into that vibe that is reminiscent of Delilah’s, Go (2011). Conqueror in particularly really possesses that brooding, dark vibe enhanced by the video which is simple yet effective.

Conqueror was the track that seemed to make everyone take notice but for me Violent Silence is a real classy number which has commercial appeal without necessarily loosing any of her edge. It’s a rousing number that intros with a sound reminiscent of a Wurlitzer before building the intensity with Beatrice flowing with serene intensity before it breaks out in a full crescendo of sound with a slight rock edge-love it!

It will be great to see what is next from Beatrice- (cue cheesy line) she definitely has got me held hostage and I think the Stockholm syndrome is taking over-I need you Beatrice!?

Beatrice Eli


Lloyd Yates-a cure for a hangover!


Ok next up we step to a folk band outfit that are originally from Jersey but decided to venture to LDN to give their musical aspirations every chance.

While the name reminds one of the ubiquitous place of inequity where a one night stand is considered a long term relationship and inebriated youngsters fuelled on testosterone and alcohol fight like Brave Heart because they feel really arddd! –the inebriation here concerns plain good old, great gargantuan proportions of absolutely brilliant music.

I got wind of this band from a friend of mine who could not sing their praises enough and once I got a first listen to their music I was fully drunk on Lloyd Yates.

So what’s to like?- well first off any band worth their salt needs a frontman/woman who not only stands out for what ever reason that maybe (for they are the identity/face of the group) but also of course a great vocal-Lloyd (who the group are named after has both of these qualities in vast proportions). With his full beard and long hair he’s got that whole gruff “I don’t give a shit what category you want me in-grhhhhh” look this is indeed only reinforced by his gnarly, gruff vocal that is as distinctive as they come-his voice seems perfectly suited to the folk type genre.

The band have been together for a while and so this is not some manufactured coming together two of the band work with each other as carpenters so you need to have a good relationship.

So music well it’s off the chain and there are a number of excellent videos out there showcasing them in their Jersey glory. I am however burning with desire for Burn Baby which is an ember of a track that builds and builds in musical intensity as Lloyd’s gruff vocal sonically caresses and entwines you in the track!

Lloyd as the main songwriter has a co written product with Loadstar which Gav from Loadstar has already said is his favourite track from loadstar’s forthcoming new album Future Perfect. Have a listen what do you reckon it’s a drum and bass flex? LISTEN

This year they have already had a huge vote of confidence from Fearne Cotton (who called their music ‘delicious’) and played Bring Back The Life.Also look out for them at Bestival, Barn On The Farm and Camp Bestival-they will be huge indeed.




 Jason Quainoo-He does not need Miracles.


So from the gruff folk infused glory of Lloyd to the quintessential soulfulness of Jason Quainoo hailing from the UK South Yorkshire. Firstly Jason is delving into an area one would consider RnB pop but before you turn your ears off and search for something else, listen because Jason with his young years is already a classy vocalist.

His inspirations are those of vocal living legends think: Boyz II Men, Usher and Chris “I have a knuckle duster in my pocket and ten bouncers ready to tear you up” Brown.

Jason Quainoo is a young upcoming singer songwriter who has earnt his stripes by an obvious determination and self belief. He’s already selling units with his independently released cd selling over a 100,000-not bad for a product distributed by Jason-Can’t Knock The Hustle (1996) 

He’s gaining increasing popularity after numerous plays on BBC Introducing and of course supporting big names like Tinchy and the massively talented Bruno Mars in Miami.

So 2013 well he’s dropping a fresh vocal something with the RnB pop tinged Miracles featuring a nice feature from Kortnii Turner. With work in the studio on his EP near completion a possible July release is on the cards. In the meantime props goes to Jason whose forging his own path to success.




Young Fathers-are on the increase in the UK.


Last up is the firing Scottish trio that mash-up hip-hop, electronica, elements of soul with a bleak flair held together by the fairly frequent forays into raps that drop you into an abyss of profoundness. The raps actually remind of the mercurial Tricky-it’s like being in a cold dank cave, lost scared and ready to die before suddenly seeing a dim light that guides you to freedom where you take a big deep breathe ergo Young Fathers-I kid ya not!

The make-up of the trio further reinforces the mash up credentials with Nigeria (Alloysious), Liberia (Kayus) repped. The trio have been together since they were fourteen and so what you get is an organic sound built on a foundation of time spent together.

So music well there’s heaps of stuff on U-tube from the haunting power of Heard which really sounds like that 80’s classic by Black, Wonderful Life (1986) click the link what do you reckon? In comparison to that 80’s buoyancy Heard is a dark account of emotions from a relationship with lines like “Inside I am feeling dirty”-(ohh dear!)

Also check Romance which shows versatility it’s a reggae tinged number accompanied by a rather avant-garde video sweet.

or Rumbling which is strictly for you Friday ravers out to mis-behave

it’s the attitude of a Tyler Creator on a fresh new ASBO for noise pollution “F@*K you Maaannn!”

So present day and on June the 10th they drop their follow-up to Tape 1 with the aptly named Tape 2 which has the cut Heard on it but brings out some new material. They have already had huge nods of approval from industry heads and this follow-up EP will by all accounts build on their burgeoning underground appeal but more importantly knock on the doors of big labels ready for something just a little different which allows them to shout out the immortal word ‘FREEDOM’ as they run from the formulaic!

