Inspirational YOU present another mind blowing event that is sure to blow your socks off! In partnership with Runnymede and Tooks Chambers it will be held on Wednesday 30th November at The Supreme Court 6-9pm.

The Invest in YOU master class will be based around Law with discussions on race, gender, social media and privacy laws, this exciting event is not to be missed. The event is a great opportunity for those interested in Law; and even better for Law students as this is an opportunity to network with other professionals. Individuals will be able to meet some of Law’s finest influential professionals as well as increasing their awareness of changes within UK Law. Plus the opportunity to get a tour around one of the most prestigious and historical buildings, The Supreme Court.

The event will be chaired by Garry Green who is a Barrister at Tooks Chambers and guest speakers include:

Courtenay Griffiths QC |Garden Court Chambers

Sandie Okoro |Global General Counsel for Barings

David Neita |Barrister, running for Mayor of London

Andrew Hall QC |Chairman of the Kalisher Trust and Doughty Street Chambers

Dale Simon |Director of Equality & Diversity at The Crown Prosecution Service

Kiran Unni |Supreme Court Judicial Assistant

Michael Webster |Joint founder & Managing Partner of Webster Dixon

Get your tickets from EventBrite via price range £0-£15. For further information email: or phone 07545156111