If you missed our EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with the uber cool Capital Xtra presenter Jade Avia, you can check it out here: flavourmag.co.uk/exclusive-photo-shoot-and-interview-with-capital-xtra-jade-avia/ On set we manage to get Jade to reveal her beauty secrets for our Flavourmag.co.uk readers.

Do you have a favourite body part? 
Not really but for the sake of the question I would say my teeth, they are strangely white, I don’t even do anything extra special, just brush twice a day and floss when I remember, I only use colgate tooth paste though!

What are your favourite hair products?
I try to use as much natural hair products as possible, so I stick to natural argan oil, and “creme of nature” argan oil shampoo and conditioner. But my secret is the conditioner in Gym Box it might not be natural but it’s so good!! ssshhh don’t tell anyone. If it’s a special occasion and I want my natural curls defined, I will use “evo liquid rollers curl balm”, which is what I used on the day of my Flavour Mag shoot.

What are your hair commandments? 
Since doing the big chop in 2012 my hair is so much easier to look after, some days I don’t do anything to it, but if I want my curls to look defined then it has a few commandments. Lots and lots of conditioner to stay moisturized, lots of oil and lots of likes on instagram.

If you had to choose three beauty products to take with you to a desert island, what would they be?

  1. CoaCoa Butter or Mango body shop cream depending on the weather.
  2. Toothpaste (is toothpaste a beauty product?)
  3. Instagram filters

How would you describe your style? 
Colourful Mismatch! I can’t stand an out fit that matches too much. I much prefer summer fashion because it’s bright and colorful.

Which celebrities do you think get it right style wise?
I love Stooshes style! They are just all unique in their own ways and of course Rihanna seems to get it right all of the time, even when she gets it wrong. Got to love Rita Ora too!

As Valentine’s is fast approaching tell us what would be your ideal date.
I normally love things that are quite fun, like go karting,a concert, paint balling… But for Valentines i’d love to get dressed up like a lady and have a lovely meal at The Shard in London, always secretly wanted to go there!

w: www.JadeAvia.com
t: http://twitter.com/JadeAvia
fb: http://facebook.com/JadeAvia
yt: http://youtube.com/jadeavia
ig: http://instagram.com/jadeavia

Photos by SNHFOTO
Makeup by Vicky Ngari-Wilson