By Shanie Ryan… Presenter / Singer / Songwriter

Follow me on Twitter & Instagram: @Shanie_MissJinx

Click ‘Like’ www.facebook.com/ShanieRyanArtist

Okay….. So anyone who truly loves music will have fallen victim to watching reality TV shows such as MTV’s Making The Band or Breaking From Above and seen the ‘So Called’ struggle of trying to make it in the music industry. I say ‘So Called’ not to discredit the artists, because although these shows feature real artists just like myself trying to achieve their dreams they also have huge TV or record label deals behind them. As well as having a team of experts supporting them for example choreographers, vocal coaches and even if they don’t make the cut they gain HUGE media exposure…. So I ask the question ‘Is this really reality?’

I started this column as an up and coming singer/songwriter who had already experienced my fair share of highs and lows in the music industry I was invited to share with the Flavour readers my personal journey, the truth about both the highs and lows of trying to make it without all of the perks of a reality TV show. But then life threw me a curveball by presenting me with an opportunity to become a TV presenter for MTV ‘Wrap up’ and I figured “Why not”.

My Article will feature everything I get up to on my journey as an up & coming TV Presenter / Singer-Songwriter. I will document the highs and the lows and of course the unexpected twists and turns to my journey. You’ll also hear all the behind the scenes gossip from the industry events that I manage to blag myself into…

I introduce you to ‘Keeping it Real’…


Hey Flavourmag readers, Thanks for returning to read part 11 of my column ‘Keeping it real’.

Over the past few months if you’ve read my column you will know I was totally exhausted from working so much and not quite finding that work / life balance. So when my holidays arrived you just couldn’t get me on the plane quick enough Lol. As much as I adore what I do with a passion (I mean who wouldn’t get to talk for a living!!!).  Having really committed 100% to my new work out regime,  having also committed to perfecting my presenting craft, completing a 6  month stint on GRM Daily , taking on my new Air Fi gig as well as  my writing my Flavour Mag column and working my radio presenting with my mentor Kojo (ChoiceFM) I was truly ready to spend some rare quality time with my family, friends and of course my ever supportive and patient boyfriend Tony. I was totally ready to just party like a rock star to let off some steam to hit the beach. First stop was Cyprus with my younger sister Karis and my boyfriend Tony where we went to visit one of my oldest friends Neil. We stayed at his gorgeous home and as usual he spoilt us rotten and treated us like royalty in his home. We had such a fun time, partied at the best spots, ate at some incredible restaurants and even went to a beautiful spa for the day before partying like teenagers in Aiya Napa, attending a festival & being big kids at the waterpark. After Cyprus the next stop was Eygpt for me and Tony for a relaxing week of snorkelling and complete relaxation. But of course we couldn’t leave Egypt without a boat trip to the National Park ‘Ras Mohammed’ and a quad biking trip to the desert.  The two weeks went way to quickly but I have to say retuning to the UK to my fabulous management ‘Red24 Management’ having a few exciting projects lined up for me made me realise when you love what you do you never really and truly work a day in your life as work doesn’t feel quite like work. So I certainly arrived back in the UK excited about the projects ahead.

I am so happy to share I am now a permanent presenter over at Air Fi www.Airfi.com you can catch me every Monday on the website presenting the Pop show , RnB/Hip Hop show, Rock / Indie show, Dance/EDM show ,Alternative show , Unsigned show  and you can catch lots of the latest music videos in between each show. You can also catch me back stage interviewing the hottest musicians backstage LIVE at their gigs so keep an eye on my twitter for the latest interviews and Live streams.

For all of those who have been messaging me on twitter asking where the GRM news report has vanished too… Don’t panic, I’ll be back! After a 6 month solid run we decided to take a month or so off whilst the team including myself all went on our summer holidays but we will definitely be back this September to bring you the latest in Urban news each and every Friday on www.GRMDaily.com .

If you missed the final episode of GRM News last season check it out… Its a funny one especially with my fear of heights!

I hope you are all still enjoying the contents of my column, please to hit me up on twitter @Shanie_MissJinx with anything you’d like to see featured in my column or any events you’d like me to attend and feature in the Events section!

Heading out in Cyprus with my little sister Karis.

In Egypt quad biking in the desert with Tony


events section

EVENT: Ruldolph Walker Inter – School Drama Awards

VENUE: Millfield Theatre, Edmonton, London.


WHO WAS THERE: Hosted by Kat B (MTV), Attended by EastEnders stars Ruldolph Walker, Diane Parish, Clare Perkins, Lindsey Coulson & Nitin Ganatra, as well as Comedian Robbie G & Holby City’s Ellen Thomas.

DRINKS: Casual refreshments

FOOD: Nibbles

GOODIE BAG: Not that kind of event.


Ruldolph Walker OBE is one of Britains best loved actors and has always given back by holding now his third ‘Inter-school Drama Awards’. Young people from seven schools were shortlisted to present their short play at the grand finale at the Millfield Theatre. They were judged by the celebrity panel for best actress, best actor and also best play. The youngsters had written and performed in their plays themselves whilst being supported by and mentored by a celebrity actor to help perfect the final performances. This year’s celebrity mentors were EastEnders stars Diane Parish, Clare Perkins, Lindsey Coulson & Nitin Ganatra, as well as Comedian Robbie G & Holby City’s Ellen Thomas. The competitive spirit amongst the professional actors only added to the excitement of the event making it even more fun for the youngsters. Another nice moment at the charity event was a presentation surprising some unsuspecting young people who were gifted ‘Role Model’ awards by Ruldoph Wlker OBE for doing something incredible within their school community and a nice touch was that last year’s winners were present at the event to hand over their titles to this years winners.

What I personally loved about this event was the cause. The RWISDA was first pioneered in the 70’s in Brixton by this highly respected and much loved actor and it really does help young people to focus their spare time on something positive and productive. It also offers a fun and creative alternative to ‘hanging around’ on the streets after school and of course it builds self-esteem and confidence. Please do me a favour column readers when you get a minute visit the website www.rwisda.com and get involved in supporting this annual event in any way that you can.

summer of love festival event section

summer of love festival events section

column section (2)

EVENT: Summer of Love Festival

VENUE: Kandi Beach Makronissos, Aiya Napa.

INVITED BY: Angel & Team Parallel

WHO WAS THERE: Tinie Tempah, G Frsh, Fekky, Ms Dynamite, Angel, DJ Cameo.

DRINKS: Vodka & Mixers

FOOD: No food but plenty of Shisha.

GOODIE BAG: Not that kinda gig…

WHAT HAPPENED??  Well what a night… and where to begin…?

I was excited to head to my first festival abroad with my boyfriend Tony & my younger sister Karis. We  were already on holiday in Limassol; Cyprus when we got an invite from Angel’s manager Sam ( My old music manager & a good friend ) to come to Aiya Napa for the night to hang out at this festival with the crew and to see Angel perform. Of course we jumped at the chance and the festival didn’t disappoint it was crazy with 4,000 revellers in full on holiday & festival mode partying on the beach, going nuts for DJ Cameo’s music playlist and the performers rocking it out on stage. Angel of course smashed it with his performance as did my mate G Frsh and headliner Tinie Tempah had the audience jumping up and down and singing along to his every word. Luckily we were up in the VIP bar so we didn’t get soaked when he decided to spray the crowd with champagne and we didn’t get trampled on during his mandatory mosh pit! After the concert we all headed out into Aiya Napa on the quad bikes & dune buggys where we then partied the night away in ICE club with all the other performers. Of course Gfrsh arrived and really got the party started as he usually does! It was 4am when the club finished and you’d think we’d be done… but Nooooo Angel made the small suggestion of finding the after party and the rest of us didn’t take much persuading so we headed to possibly the funniest and strangest after party any of us had ever been too ever it was a place called River Reggae. Well what a nutty place…. A random party with a swimming pool river flowing through it a bunch of crazy party goers dancing to everything but Reggae music… granted we all got a bit excited at the prospect of hearing some Reggae to finish off the most funny night ever but the closest we got to hearing it was a bit of Sean Paul that the DJ only played as we asked where the Reggae music was in a place stupidly named River Reggae!?! Lol Throw in a few super Angel fans willing to be filmed doing stupid dances and throwing themselves fully clothes into the most gross pool ever to get a photo with Angel and us all posting the videos on Instgram for all to see and it was the funniest end to a night EVER! Needless to say we didn’t reach our beds until 9am that morning and we all had the hangovers from hell! #HardCoreRavers #YOLO #EPICNight

UP & COMING….. @JamieLisa

Jamie Lisa - Up and coming section

This month i’m supporting my girly and ex Duchess band member Jamie Lisa in her new music project! This young lady has always been destined for a dance music project and now she’s found it. This track is exactly in fitting with what I’ve been dancing my butt off to in the clubs abroad this summer and her vocals sit perfectly on this track! AND!!! On top of that she’s absolutely stunning… I introduce you to Jamie Lisa and her AMAZING new track ‘Now I’m letting it go’…


Blag spot


As an up & coming artist or presenter you’re not going to start out earning the big bucks so for now  it’s all about the freebies Lol…..

This month’s freebies came randomly from my night out in Aiya Napa at the ‘Summer of Love Festival’ on Kandi Beach this summer where a company called Shisha Vapes hooked me and my sister up with some freebie Shisha Vapes. Just wanted to shout out the guys and say Thanks! Give them a follow on twitter @ShishaVapes and keep your eyes peeled as they are sure to pop up at a club night or music event near you!




@ItsThingsInLife People spend their whole lives trying to live up to other people’s expectations and being told what to do. I say screw that. Be Free.