The Veteran is the gritty, hard-hitting tale of Robert Miller, a young soldier returning from Afghanistan, unable to fit back into society and soon targeted as a clandestine operative to monitor suspected terrorists in Britain. The Veteran brings together a host of talents, including Brian Cox CBE (The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, X:Men X2), grime music star Ashley Thomas (Shank,, Tom Brooke (The Boat That Rocked, The Young Victoria) to deliver a tension filled, cautionary story of a war closer to home.

To celebrate the release of The Veteran on Blu-ray and DVD on August 29th we have 5 DVDs to give away, just answer the simple question below to be in with a chance of winning:

Q. Which of the following films has Toby Kebbell, who plays ex-soldier Robert Miller in The Veteran, not been in?

A. RocknRolla

B. Dead Man’s Shoes

C. Shank

Email your answer to [email protected] along with your name and mobile number and be sure to put The Veteran in the subject header.

The Veteran is out on Blu-ray and DVD August 29th. Pre-order it here



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